Providing Critical Market Intelligence for Government Organizations

Government organizations need market data to enable them to attract and retain top talent in many locations. We provide the insight you need that informs local human resource policies.

Deep Understanding of Developing Markets

Birches Group has extensive experience working with the largest government organizations around the world. Many of you operate in developing markets where pay practices vary significantly and markets move dynamically. We are ready to provide you with the intelligence that help answer your local questions.

Unparalleled Global Reach

Our knowledge and deep understanding of developing markets in over 150 countries has enabled us to continuously expand our survey coverage, serving more clients than ever.

Depth of Insight

Our survey methodology allows us to capture the wide variety of compensation and benefits practices unique to developing markets, using one consistent approach for accurate and reliable data.

Sector Expertise

Our extensive work with your sector has given us deep knowledge and familiarity about how bilateral organizations are structured and operated. We know the jobs that are relevant to you and the types of organizations with whom you compete.

We’re Right Here to Give You the Data You Need

If you’re interested to learn more about our surveys in your location, we’d love to discuss them with you.